
9 Things You Can Do About Climate Change

Does it sound puzzling to you on why is Colorado River drying up? It is a known culprit and that too of our own creation – Climate Change. A team of researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey in Princeton, N.J. have found that a mere 1.4 degree Celsius rise in temperature over the last century has led to an 11% reduction in the flow of the river. If the problem of Climate Change isn’t addressed the river could dry up by the middle of the 21st century. 

Colorado River is just one example and there would be widespread damage to the environment if we don’t act now. From flash floods to hurricanes and tornados, Climate Change can lead to Armageddon. But everything isn’t quite lost. Here are 9 things you can do about climate change and make your contribution to saving our planet. 

1)     Drive Less – If you are in the habit of driving the car even for commuting short distances, get over it. Walk or ride a bicycle as this will not only cut down on emission but also improve your health. When walking or cycling isn’t feasible, opt for public transport.

2.    Reduce Reliance on HVAC – Try and reduce your reliance on HVAC systems. Insulate homes properly to keep them warm and make use of large windows to cool them. Lower the temperature on your thermostat when away from home.  

   Save Water- Water would be a scarce commodity in the future as lakes and rivers are drying and groundwater tables are falling around the world. Change your lifestyle to ensure you are saving more water. 

     Donate Old Stuff – From clothes to gadgets and books to household appliances, donate what you don’t use anymore. Someone else would benefit from this also help reduce the demand for new products.

   Go Solar – Solar energy is efficient and the input costs have also fallen drastically. Power your home with a solar system and sell extra energy to the grid. You will save (perhaps even earn) and also help fight climate change.

    Reuse and Recycle – Reuse as much as you can and when you can’t simply send them for recycling. Landfill should be the resting place only for things that can’t be reused or recycled.

      Protect Green Spaces – Take to activism if required to protect parks, lakes, forests around you and don’t let they fall prey to businesses that don’t care for the environment

      Get Audit Done – At an individual level or as a society you need to get a Climate Change Risk Audit done. It will present to you the real scenario and also help you prepare a roadmap to fight it.

       Go Social – Fighting climate change is mankind’s responsibility and once you sign-up you need to get others to sign-up as well. Share your stories on social media. The go green movement is contagious you need to spread it around.  

Every individual must see himself or herself as a soldier in this fight against climate change. Just take your own small steps and expect the community to follow.

Summary – In this write-up we look at 9 things you can do about climate change and why these small steps matter.