
Aid Of Ms Excel Software

MS Excel is a spreadsheet program developed by the brand, ‘Microsoft. It is used for arithmetic calculations and this software can add, subtract, multiply and divide hundreds of numbers together. Excel is mainly used by the accountants in the various large and small scale businesses. It allows you to convert the data from various files into a single file. For instance, if you are asked to express the data of various agencies then through MS excel it is possible.

SUMIF is the prominent feature of MS excels which helps you in solving many equations? It works based on different formulas using the range, criteria, {sum range}

Here are some of the functions of MS EXCEL:-

SUMIF not equal: - In excel, we use this feature when other cells are not equal to a given value. When you implement the SUMIF formula the criteria should be in the double-quotes. The formula is used in the excel spreadsheet to get an accurate result. In this function, the formula can be used in different styles. For instance, if you need to sum cells which do not equal to multiple values then another SUMIF formula is used to get results.

Using named ranges: - This function helps to create a neat and clean spreadsheet. The descriptive name chosen for a collection of cells in a worksheet is referred to as a named range. The merit of adding a name is that you will easily remember the formula used for specific cell or range. SUMIF criteria are used while naming a cell or range as they help you to find an expenditure and revenue from a particular business.

SUMIF VLOOK UP: - The first letter of the VLOOK “V” means vertical. Excel VLOOKUP brings you a piece of information associated with a unique identifier by searching through the data set based on the unique identifier.

VLOOK UP formula is preferred in a different scheme. As an example, we can choose VLOOK UP for number, VLOOK UP for text, VLOOK UP for value in another cell. Moreover, whatever values are added in a formula, it finds reveals results accordingly to the same value.

SUMIF date range: - You can use this feature to count the sales between the specific dates. We can easily bring it from a cell or can type the date in the formula. Moreover, just like SUMIF it also has an AVERAGE IF feature.

To get more information about MS excel working, visit at Earn and Excel.We are looking forward to solving all your queries.

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